Chilling on a Wed nite... or should i say FREEZING!
Went to Eski Bar at Holland V with the hall ppl last nite. It was my first time there. Used to hear from friends that Eski Bar is not fun at all but last nite turned out kind of great. There were only us and, if i am not wrong, another 2 customers there. We were just entertaining ourselves the whole time. Competing to be the last one standing in the freeze room, playing 'Zong ji mi ma' with loser having to stay inside the freeze room for 2 min without jacket on, tasting our white wine and act like wine experts, taking photo with our camara phones and just randomly crapping around were great fun.I think Eski Bar is a special place, as it somehow made Bao looked very chio! Especially inside the freeze room, with all the mist and the sud-zero temp spoiling our visions and brains. We all could not believe how damn great Bao looked inside the photos. She could not believe it either!! Haha.. Eski Bar beats photoshop everyday man!!... hehe. See it to believe it...

Truely AMAZING.... Even i, who usually give critics rather than compliments, have to say that Bao WAS damn chio!!!! hehe...
I think after last night, Eski Bar will be our new hang out man. Really don't mind going there again and "CHILL". Haha. But our 'Mr dedicated worker' Rub and 'Mr not-so-dedicated' Emos will be starting work soon. hmmm... still can go la! Whack!

After our hell-of-a-freezing time at Eski, we went down to Zouk. As 'Mr dedicated worker' say its his last night out for this holiday, (he claimed that he will be so damn dedicated when he start work that he dun want any late nights) we must make full use of it. Zouk was fun. Met other hall peepz there. Freaking party animals we are. Had lots of fun grinding ppl of the same gender, imitating mambo moves and not forgetting to look stupid.
Bao had already requested for another Mambo session next week.... duh...
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