Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Cultured me! Act only...

Recently the hall people and i have kind of became more cultured. The things we do are like more and more classy.

One simple example will be the fact that we like to drink wine nowadays. Be it red or white wine, we somehow can make ourselves look damn pro drinking it. Shall post some pic when i get my hands on them. Its quite interesting how we evolved from drinking things like volka lime & pineapple malibu to powerful stuff lik martel & chivas to classy wine now. Guess thats one main thing NTU Hall 1 can bring you. Haahaaaa...

The games we play are also shifting to the more intellecture ones. We used to be whores for DOTA, but now, we indulge ourselves in games like TABOO! (WTF!?...LOL) Wherther is it a good example? You gotta decide yourselves.

A few of us are also determined to speak in a more sophisticated way. We decided not to use words that sound too rude and some thing along tht line. Currently, we are able to change a few words that are frequently used. One of them is the word 'SHIT'. This one is by me and i feel that the word 'FAECES' is a better word to use. So when u wanna say " You FUCKING piece of SHIT!" we shall now say "You FUCKING piece of FAECES!". Note that the word FUCK is not changed as we all feel that it is too great a word though it sound rude.

Thats it for now. Shall continue our quest on being more cultured!!!


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