Updates + upcoming events
Broke one of my Transformers toys yesterday. Damn sad. Anyways, this is wats gonna happen in the next few weeks:
- Convo on the 22nd of July. (WooOOoOoooHoooOooo!)
- HI exam on the 24th. (study, study..... ZZZzzz...)
- NBS Convo Ball on the 27th. (WooOooOooOooHooOOoOoo!)
- M9 exam on the 28th. (more studying..... ZZZZZzzzzzz...)
- First day of work on the 5th of Aug. (ZZZZzzZZZzzzzZZZzzzzzz....)
My TFs Animated toys
Its been a long long while since my last post. Been looking for job for 1 month plus now..... other than that i am basically jus slacking around. Just wanna post a few pics of the TFA toys i got so far. Firstly......

Its my newest toy, jus got it a few hours ago. Its, by far, my fav among all the TFs toys i own so far. This figure is jus freaking awesome! Next......

I got it because its the tallest deluxe class toy ever! Even taller than some voyager size toys. He is also quite a cool character in the show. And lastly......

He is very cool in the show. Thats y i bought it.
Well, thats it for now.
Still job hunting = No job yet = No money = Can't buy more stuff
My TFs collection.
These are the other Transformers that I own. Hope one day my collection will match Marcus'.

But first, I need a bigger cupboard.
Transformers: WoOoHooO
Basically it's just me playing with my Tranformers toys. Haha. I was super impressed and inspired by my friend, Marcus's Transformers web comic (
http://transformerslegacy.blogspot.com/ ) and I have decided to do something of my own with my Transformers. So this is how it goes.....
One day in my living room.....

Tidal Wave (TW): Hey boss Megatron, you are the leader of the Decepticons but why are you so short?
Megatron (M): WTF?! How dare you say that kind of stuff!! I dare you to say it again!!

TW: Why are you so short? Why are you so short? Why are you so short? Why are you so short?

M: Ta Ma De!!! I am gonna eat you up!!!
TW: Oops.... joking only ma.....

M: *Munch* *Munch*
TW: ARGHHHH! Spare me!!! ARGHHHH.... NOOOOoooooo....... *silence*
M: *Munch* Munch*

M: *blurp*.... Hahaha.... No one dares to mess with me!! I am the biggest bad ass in the universe!! .....eh... alamak... my stomach dun feel so good.....
M's stomach: grrrrrrrrr.....

M: Shit... I am feeling damn sick.... Oh no! What's happening!? ARRRGGGGHHHHHH!!!
Megatron became HEAVY-WEIGHT Megatron.

M: Damn! I feel overweight.... er... DUH....
If you find the story stupid or lame, well, that your problem not mine.
A fact about girls.
When a girl approaches you about a problem that she has, she is not looking for solutions most of the time. She is just trying to find someone to comfort her.
It's true. Damn true.
Another Transformer to my (small) collection!
I just got a new Transfomer from my dear!!
She tricked me by saying that she was feeling emo and all and wanna meet up for a short while. Then she surprised me with this:

Love it! The 3 main reasons why i loved it are as follow:
- It is a Tranformer.
- It is HUGE!!
- It is from my dear.