Summary of Bangkok trip
Day 1
- Touched down in BKK at 7+ pm thai time.
- Check into hotel.
- Went to RCA aiming to culb, but all clubs were close as its some special day about the king and no alcohol is allowed.
- Bought Chivas from a mama shop though they were not suppose to. (WoOoHooo.... we broke the law!!! hehe)
- Drinking session in hotel room.
Day 2
- Visited Chatuchak, the weekend market.
- Shopping....
- Shopping....
- Shopping....
- Few of us went back hotel slack after that.
- Clubbing at RCA at nite. It was great!!! Better than Sg clubs!!!
Day 3
- Went to the famous 4-sided buddha where some of they prayed for watever they prayed for.
- MBK for more shopping.....
- Shopping....
- Returned to hotel and went for a Thai massage. (clean one, just FYI)
- Suan lum, the nite market, after that.
- Had a nice dinner there.
- Shopping.... again....
- Drinking session in hotel for those "strong" ones.
Day 4
- MBK again for.... guess wat... shopping!!!
- Packed up left for airport around 4pm thai time.
- Had KFC for dinner at the airport before boarding the plane.
There you go, our G-max BKK trip.
NBS FOC... the after math
What can i say, NBS FOC rocks to the MAX man!!!! Castor freshies were really great! So blessed to have them.
Now FOC is over, i feel kind of sad. The camp only lasted 5 days but memories and friendship last forever. Really hope that the bonds we formed during the camp can last.
NBS FOC is here!
FOC will start at about 5 hours time!!
There will be non-stop fun, non-stop laughters, non-stop actions and many new friendships borned.
It will also mean that there will be very little sleep, very little rest and many shagged out bodies......
Current mood - Very excited
Current physical status - Seriouly in need of sleep to get prepared
Must wake at 6am... and now is already 2.45am.... Holly Jesus~~~
Who says there is no free stuff in this world?
Just to name a few things you get for free:
- Beer (when u go for beer tasting)
- Money (after you finish tasting the free beer)
- Entries to clubs (on ladies' nights for the so-called "ladies")
- Drinks (same as 3)
- Hair cut (by trainee stylist which took nearly 3 hours to complete)
- Friendship/love (true ones of course)
- LBJ (for those who know wat it is, it dun cost u $$ to have a few LBJ, but it will definitely cost u some suan-ing!)
It is just great to have free stuff!! Free stuffs makes me wanna scream,
They are the CHAMPIONS~~~
So after more than a month of World Cup soccer, Italy emerged as the champions of World football!

Well... don't really like or hate them, but i must say that they were not a very fancied side at the beginning of the tournament. They have good players and their coach Lippi had done a fabulous job but i am still thinking that Argentina is the Champion and their lost to Germany in the quarters are all but a dream..... guess i am still dreaming.....
Personally i feel that Italy have played well and deserved to be the winner. Not an easy thing to win the World Cup for the 4th times. After Argentina went out and looking at the remaining teams, i am glad that Italy won, or rather i am glad that some team didn't win. In particular, Brazil. I feel that they really needed a wake up call. They need to realise that they are not as gd as they thought they are and learn to be humble. Great way to shut them up by knocking them out! Great job France!! Portugal is another team tat i am glad that they din win. Great job again to France!!! C.Ronaldo is jus too cocky and imagine him being a WC winner at such a young age! He will turn into a COCK!! Haha...
Before the match itself, was hoping for a France victory as Zidane is truely a great player and i would like to see him retire on a high. But his use of his great heading skill on an opponent's chest instead of on the ball has costed France the cup. When he was red-carded, you can kind of feel that the France players' morale was down. When it went to penalties, you could sense that some French dudes will put the ball wide or something, which they did. Bartez nv looked lik he could stop any spot-kicks. That's pretty much how the game was lost for France.
So there you have it....

Italy = 2006 World Champions
Argentina = Champions for life!!!!!
4 more years to the next World cup!! Let the countdown begins!!!! (duh....)
Went to the Zoo yesterday with the hall ppl. The last time i went to the Zoo was lik a freaking darn long time ago... about ten years ago i think!
I must say the Zoo has been thru quite a big transformation in this ten years. (duh.... wat doesn't?) The most noticable change is that there is a bigger array of animals. Instead of having Ah Meng, our fav orang utan as the main attraction, the Zoo now is the proud owner of white tigers, polar bear, hippos, rhinos.... and the list goes on.
At 1st i din expect to enjoy myself as i thought 'WTH! We are going to the zoo?!?!?!', but in the end its quite a nice trip. Watching a snake swallow a mouse is difinitely something new and its worth the 15 bucks we paid for the entrance fees. haha. Abit sick i must say but there were other fascinating things we saw. Like we were lucky enough to catch a horse and a carmel shitting, and we also saw an erected horse cock!! Craps and cocks aside, the zoo is really an interesting place.
Overall, its a nice thing going to the zoo. Its different from the normal things we do everyday, gyming, swimming, warring, playing soccer, slacking.... But i must admit that going to the zoo is damn SHAG!!! Guess i have fully converted myself back into a civilian after i have ORDed for 1.5 yrs. Walking under the sun for a few hours is a no no now. No zoo for me in the near future... haha.... Ben & Jerry's ice-cream at the zoo was great though and i dun mind just eating ice-cream there again!!!! HeEhee
Let's get ready to OUT, OUT, OUT!!!!
The host Germany is now out too!! haha
Fucking win the all-mighty Argentina at least win the World Cup too la... lose to Italy... hai~~ should have jus let Argentina win the shoot-out and go on to be the World Champ!
My bias opinions aside, let us wait and see who will go out next! Will it be the senior citizens from France or the actors from Portugal??
OUT! OUt! Out! out!
Brazil out!! - YEAH!
England out!! WooOOOooHOoOOOoo!!!!
Argentina out.... sad~~~
Which X-Men am I?
You Are Storm

Exotic and powerful, Storm descended from a line of African priestesses.
Emotions can effect your powers, but you are generally serene.
Powers: controlling weather, creating winds that lift you into flight, generating lightning
....but i prefer Wolverine leh...
How Boyish or Girlish Am I?
You Are 70% Boyish and 30% Girlish
You are pretty evenly split down the middle - a total eunuch.
Okay, kidding about the eunuch part. But you do get along with both sexes.
You reject traditional gender roles. However, you don't actively fight them.
You're just you. You don't try to be what people expect you to be.
So sad...
Argentina lost to Germany on penalties.... what a lousy way to lose... Hai~~ damn wasted...
Shall wait for 4 more yrs.... I will be 26 by then!! OMFG!!!