My TFs collection.
These are the other Transformers that I own. Hope one day my collection will match Marcus'.
But first, I need a bigger cupboard.
Transformers: WoOoHooO
Basically it's just me playing with my Tranformers toys. Haha. I was super impressed and inspired by my friend, Marcus's Transformers web comic ( ) and I have decided to do something of my own with my Transformers. So this is how it goes.....
One day in my living room.....
Tidal Wave (TW): Hey boss Megatron, you are the leader of the Decepticons but why are you so short?
Megatron (M): WTF?! How dare you say that kind of stuff!! I dare you to say it again!!
TW: Why are you so short? Why are you so short? Why are you so short? Why are you so short?
M: Ta Ma De!!! I am gonna eat you up!!!
TW: Oops.... joking only ma.....
M: *Munch* *Munch*
TW: ARGHHHH! Spare me!!! ARGHHHH.... NOOOOoooooo....... *silence*
M: *Munch* Munch*
M: *blurp*.... Hahaha.... No one dares to mess with me!! I am the biggest bad ass in the universe!! alamak... my stomach dun feel so good.....
M's stomach: grrrrrrrrr.....
M: Shit... I am feeling damn sick.... Oh no! What's happening!? ARRRGGGGHHHHHH!!!
Megatron became HEAVY-WEIGHT Megatron.
M: Damn! I feel overweight.... er... DUH....
If you find the story stupid or lame, well, that your problem not mine.