Cultured me! Act only...
Recently the hall people and i have kind of became more cultured. The things we do are like more and more classy.
One simple example will be the fact that we like to drink wine nowadays. Be it red or white wine, we somehow can make ourselves look damn pro drinking it. Shall post some pic when i get my hands on them. Its quite interesting how we evolved from drinking things like volka lime & pineapple malibu to powerful stuff lik martel & chivas to classy wine now. Guess thats one main thing NTU Hall 1 can bring you. Haahaaaa...
The games we play are also shifting to the more intellecture ones. We used to be whores for DOTA, but now, we indulge ourselves in games like TABOO! (WTF!?...LOL) Wherther is it a good example? You gotta decide yourselves.
A few of us are also determined to speak in a more sophisticated way. We decided not to use words that sound too rude and some thing along tht line. Currently, we are able to change a few words that are frequently used. One of them is the word 'SHIT'. This one is by me and i feel that the word 'FAECES' is a better word to use. So when u wanna say " You FUCKING piece of SHIT!" we shall now say "You FUCKING piece of FAECES!". Note that the word FUCK is not changed as we all feel that it is too great a word though it sound rude.
Thats it for now. Shall continue our quest on being more cultured!!!
Another Hard Gay wresting video!!!
They should add him to the WWE roster... LOL!!
A thought
A thought suddenly hit me:
Although i have many close friends and i am always able to get along well with new people i met, i do not have anyone that i feel i can really open myself to. Maybe i am too reserved when it comes to feelings. Or maybe i am too good an actor that people can't really tell how i feel.
Can't help it but feel kind of sad...
Something not many people know...
It is nv easy to be the bad guy.
It is easy to smile and joke about it,
but what you feel inside is very hard to explain.
Not many people can truely understand this feeling....
... but i can.
Science fact
Coldness causes things to contract.
Though i have learnt this since primary school but its recently, or on wed to be exact, that i found a perfect example to illustrate it. ( coldness can make one look slimmer )
Please refer to previous post....
Chilling on a Wed nite... or should i say FREEZING!
Went to Eski Bar at Holland V with the hall ppl last nite. It was my first time there. Used to hear from friends that Eski Bar is not fun at all but last nite turned out kind of great. There were only us and, if i am not wrong, another 2 customers there. We were just entertaining ourselves the whole time. Competing to be the last one standing in the freeze room, playing 'Zong ji mi ma' with loser having to stay inside the freeze room for 2 min without jacket on, tasting our white wine and act like wine experts, taking photo with our camara phones and just randomly crapping around were great fun.
I think Eski Bar is a special place, as it somehow made Bao looked very chio! Especially inside the freeze room, with all the mist and the sud-zero temp spoiling our visions and brains. We all could not believe how damn great Bao looked inside the photos. She could not believe it either!! Haha.. Eski Bar beats photoshop everyday man!!... hehe. See it to believe it...

AMAZING.... Even i, who usually give critics rather than compliments, have to say that Bao
WAS damn chio!!!! hehe...
I think after last night, Eski Bar will be our new hang out man. Really don't mind going there again and "CHILL". Haha. But our 'Mr dedicated worker' Rub and 'Mr not-so-dedicated' Emos will be starting work soon. hmmm... still can go la! Whack!

After our hell-of-a-freezing time at Eski, we went down to Zouk. As 'Mr dedicated worker' say its his last night out for this holiday, (he claimed that he will be so damn dedicated when he start work that he dun want any late nights) we must make full use of it. Zouk was fun. Met other hall peepz there. Freaking party animals we are. Had lots of fun grinding ppl of the same gender, imitating mambo moves and not forgetting to look stupid.
Bao had already requested for another Mambo session next week.... duh...
On track
Current mood: Healthy, happy, revitalized.
Recovered from both being sick and unlucky! SHIOK!
Fitness regime back on track. Mj luck is not bad too.
Times like this make me wanna shout "WoooOOOoOOooHoooOOoOOoo!!!!".
haha... yet to recover from being crazy though.
Some event last week made me realise that life is actually very cruel. Nearly every fuck thing in life are base on credits and u often need to meet certain standards. If you are unable to meet them, the consequence will be you being left on the chopping board, waiting to be slaughtered. Some lucky ones will escape, others will just be dumped, like thrash.
Sometimes what used to be enough may turn out to be not. Standards changes all the time, and the only constant thing perhaps is this fact.
Who to kick and who to keep? The decision all lies on a certain few. They usually claim that they so-called understand the situation. It will nv be easy to make such decisions, as the decision makers may have his or her own personal views. They have their own perferences, are bias against different things, and many other factors can influrence their decisions. Suddenly feel that things i learnt in OB are very true.
Even an individual decision maker can have double, triple, quadruple, whatever-ple (WTF!? Think u all should be able to get my point.) standards. Some people are more likable than others. Unfairness arises. This fact really cause me to feel very disappointed with human's nature. What can i or anyone do anything about it? The answer is nothing.
No matter how unfair all these can be, decisions have to be made somehow. Comparisons btw 2 or more people are inevitable. Then problems like 'who is more valuable than who?' come into the picture. I feel that this is really fucking sad when u need to ask question like that. Disagreements are normal. Some view talent as more important than attitude. Some think otherwise. Some fear that they have to answer for all the empty promises they made. Some even make decisions due to appearances.
One might say,"He might be able to get medals for us next yr!".
For me, I will say FUCK the medals man. What is so important abt medals anyway!?
Then again, all this will not be needed if all those so-called valuable people are able to meet the standards given by some unknown MoFos. I mean its just ironic if someone so damn indispensable cant even make the cut. Doesn't it means that this person is not so important and did not contribute that much after all?
After deciding all these shit and after those unlucky ones fuck off, who will feel sad or speak up or hold justice for them? No one i guess.... because it is a cruel world.
From all these, i learnt something. Be the SOB who make the decision. At least u can claim that you understand the situation. At least u yourself don't have to be slaughtered. At least u can be the one who decide if some stupid things like medals are important.
Beer tasting
Went for some beer tasting jus now. Its somewhere near Holland V. All i have to do was to taste 4 different brands of beer, then do some survey on each of them and i got paid 25 bucks!
SHIOK man!!!
Free beer, easy survey, spent less than an hour there and i am 25 bucks richer!
Money hardly come as easy as that!
It feels good...
It feels good when a friend trusted you and share with you how he feels.
It feels good when a friend shares a problem with you.
It feels good when you and your friends can speak your hearts.
It feels good to show concern for your friends and be appreciated.
It feels good when people take you seriously.
WoOoHooO FunFacts 101
WoOoHooO FunFacts 101:Hall people are lazy people!Favourite pass-time = SLEEPZzzzzz.....And i have the pictures to prove it!
tmy (standing also can sleep!)

Crankien (on sofa)

Knocked-out Bao

Emos (feeling comfy)

Joy majiam dead

Qm's roomie from hell!!!
Cheers to the sleepy Hall Oners!!!
The time now is 6.58pm. Currently waiting for dinner time to come. Hall ppl wanna eat at 7.30pm. WTF man....
Life is extra meaninless when u are sick.....
Virus 1 - Me 0
Current mood - feeling sick, feverish.
It really sucks man. Being sick and all. Training regime was disrupted as Qm was sick since mon afternoon and now when he is feeling better, more ppl, including me, fell sick.
Its like a long time ago since i last fell sick. Blame it on the weather or the lack of rest, whatever it is, being sick SUCKS.... super big time!
Usually ppl wun remember the time when they were sick unless its really serious. But i do remember this particular time when i was down with a high fever and she was there to take care of me. She cooked me porridge and fish and brought it to my home for me as i was too sick to buy my own food. Though i dunno if she cooked them herself or if her mum did it, i was really very touched at that time. I felt so blessed to have her. Then, i tot that she was the one as she had done so much for me during the time we were together. But well, i gave her up.
Now that i am sick, it makes me think about stuffs like that. Kind of miss those days when we were together. What if i did not give her up? Why did my feeling for her changed then? Guess these questions can nv be answered.
People might not notice, but i am actually quite an emotional person. I tear when i watch touchin movies and i like listening to love songs. Sound kinda gay i must say. I often try to hide it. Maybe wat ccc said is true, i am very reserved and dun show my true feelings easily. I feel that i do not truely understand myself as i often do not know wat i really want and explain the way i feel.
Maybe being sick makes me even extra emotional. How i wish someone can cook me porridge now. Hahaa. If some one do that i might jus fall in love with her(or him!). Wahahaaaa.....
Just crapping there, dun take it too seriously.
BEING SICK SUCKS!!!! BANG BALLS!!!! WooOOooOoooHooOOooOoo!!!!!!Random thought of the day: I think the virus is attacking my brain and i am going mad.
Learnt something
New phrase to use when confronting ppl before a fight in the middle of a street-soccer game:
"You wanna see my cock or not!?"Haha... funny shit man!!!
Once there was a giving tree who loved a little boy.And everyday the boy would come to playSwinging from the branches, sleeping in the shadeLaughing all the summer's hours away.And so they love,Oh, the tree was happy.Oh, the tree was glad.But soon the boy grew older and one day he came and said,"Can you give me some money, tree, to buy something I've found?""I have no money," said the tree, "Just apples, twigs and leaves.""But you can take my apples, boy, and sell them in the town."And so he did andOh, the tree was happy.Oh, the tree was glad.But soon again the boy came back and he said to the tree,"I'm now a man and I must have a house that's all my home.""I can't give you a house" he said, "The forest is my house.""But you may cut my branches off and build yourself a home"And so he did andOh, the tree was happy.Oh, the tree was glad.And time went by and the boy came back with sadness in his eyes."My life has turned so cold," he says, "and I need sunny days.""I've nothing but my trunk," he says, "But you can cut it downAnd build yourself a boat and sail away."And so he did andOh, the tree was happy.Oh, the tree was glad.And after years the boy came back, both of them were old."I really cannot help you if you ask for another gift.""I'm nothing but an old stump now. I'm sorry but I've nothing more to give""I do not need very much now, just a quiet place to rest,"The boy, he whispered, with a weary smile."Well", said the tree, "An old stump is still good for that.""Come, boy", he said, "Sit down, sit down and rest a while."And so he did andOh, the tree was happy.Oh, the tree was glad.I have found people who were willing to be my tree.
But i gave them up.
When will it be my turn to be someone else's tree?
Homies in hall

Beatrice, CCC, Rub & Rod
Homie Qm
Me, Kj, Hong, Emos, Qm
Anna, Joy, Bao, Rem
That's all for now. Shall post more pics next time.
High or Low?
I did post eariler saying that my life has been quite eventful. Hmmm... guess its pretty true.
Suddenly remember something one of my friends once said to me. When i told her that i have some real bad experiences in the past, she said that i was jus going through a low period of my life and things can only get better. What she said kind of made me reflect a little. Maybe what she said is right. I agree that everyone goes thru high and low periods. Sadly, i think i have more lows then highs.
Well... guess i can't blame anyone la. Just gotta accept my fate.
So am i on a high or on a low now?
A high? I think so la. At least higher den those low times... Whatever la!!!
Went to the gym with my hall homies in the morning.
Warred once after our lunch.
Everyone is napping now i guess.
Likely to War again when they wake.
Dinner.... War.... Rot....
Tmr same damn routine again.... but maybe going for a swim instead of gym.
Hai~~ Y is life so boring!? Freak man!
3rd week
Back in hall again.
Tmr will be the start of the 3rd week of my training regime. Homie QM and i are quite determined to get fit in time for the coming FOC so that we can show off a bit. Haha.
1 yr in NTU has made me real weak man. I no longer can run as fast as i wanted, carry as much weight as i desired and sometimes when i look into the mirror i feel kind of disgusted with my flabby frame. Well that gave me the motivation to get back in shape again. WooooooHoooooooo!!! Can also take my ippt by the end of the holidays too, so i guess its killing 2 birds with one stone.
Morale is still high for homie QM and me and we also inspired few others to get healthy. Power!!
Haha... hope can post some hot bods of us soon here.
Random thought of the day: Life is boring.....
Mission: Impossible 3

Watched M:I3 with the hall ppl on Fri.
It is a must-watch considered by many. But to me, i think the storyline is a bit too predictable and the whole movie is a bit disappointing considering that it is a big block buster.
Overall, its still very enjoyable to watch with all the actions and stuns. More over, the guys and gals have Maggie Q and Tom Cruise to drool for respectively. So good job to them for catering to a huge base of audiences. That pretty much make up for the cliche plot.
Actually i don't know how to describe myself. Some say i look unfriendly, some say i look like ah beng, some say i am funny, some even say i am reserved. Well, i think that it doesn't matter.
If i really need to say something abt myself, i will say that i have sinned before, i have made mistakes before, and i regret some of the decisions i have made. But then again, who the hell in this world do not sin, do not make mistakes and have no regrets.
I guess i am jus talking crap now. Maybe thats the way i am.
Random Thought: Things always seem more precious when you ceased to have them.
1st post
Nv thought that i will do this but i guess i am really freaking bored now. Having holidays now so i have tons of time. It is a Saturday now and i am wasting my time at home. I spend very little time at home as i am usually in hall (yes, even during holidays!). Weekends are the only time i will be home so as much as possible i try to stay home and let my father take a few more glances at me.
I used to post in my MULTIPLY site ( quite frequently. It is something like a blog i guess but its a long time since i last updated it. Some time back, i was looking at some of the posts there and realised that most of them are about sad stuffs. Guess my life is rather eventful. I even told my friends once that anything that can happen in a soap opera had happened in my life. Maybe its a bit exaggerating but i feel that it is quite a good way to illustrate it.
I am not very good with my spellings and tenses and i am lazy to correct my own mistakes, so if there are lots of mistakes in my posts please pardon me.
Random thought of the day: People don't take me seriously.